Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jess is Here

Some pics of the kiddos and Jess at the airport... good times! Couldn't resist putting the pic of Mr. Magoo on the blog.


Unknown said...

Hey there Sam!! I was searching through Lacy's blog that she visited and came upon yours!! Your kiddos are too, too cute!!! Camden and Brooks have grown so much. I think the last time I saw them was Lacy's wedding. Anyways...lovin all the videos, especially Mini Vader!!

The Loves of Lacy said...

Of course lovin the videos again. Jess looks usual, little butt face. Her hair is beautiful how does she get it to wave like that. Don't even tell me that it just does it. Anyway would love to see some footage of you on there!!! Can I get a shout out or something??!!

Billie said...

Hey Sam! Wow, those kids are growing up so fast! They are cute as can be! I am glad to see y'all are doing good! We enjoy the posts! And we all agree that Jess looks great too (would love to see your beautiful face)...and tell Jess she should look into modeling....

Becky said...

Sam, I am so glad you started a blog. Your posts are too cute and they always make me laugh! Your kids are precious and growing up way too fast, just like you guys did.