Tuesday, July 13, 2010


These were taken a few weeks ago before AND after Camden's appointment to get braces! She has a bit of an underbite, and the doctor said she'd have the braces on for about a year. She will then have to have them when all of her permanent teeth come in, say, in junior high. I just can't tell you how much older she looks (and ACTS!) with braces. She's growing up too fast!


Patiently posing for me...

Not so patient anymore, and Palmer is checking her out...

After! And what a sweet pic of the two of them. Love it!!


Leslie said...

Aw, she looks so happy about them in that last pic.

Payton has beautiful teeth but would trade just about anything for braces, cause gosh darn it, they're cool! lol.

I bet Camden is just the coolest girl in school with her new flashy smile. =oD

The Loves of Lacy said...

That is a sweet pic!!! Looking at her underbit is telling me I should FOR SURE start saving for Riley :( She's got the same cute bulldog face as Cam! Wonder if she'll keep that happy smile on when she has to get them in Jr. high?? hehehehe

The Garvie Family said...

She looks so grown up! Reece gets his on a week from Monday. He is so ready!! I hope she is doing well with them and hasn't been in too much pain. I will never forget those first few days after getting mine on....man it was painful.

I also LOVE the new blog header pic!! They are getting too big too fast!