Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Brooks' Surgery

Brooks had his adenoids removed last week. The doctor said they were blocking 80% of his nasal passageway, so it was a good thing to do. It was an out-patient surgery, and he fought through it like a champ. He was concerned with the IV in his arm, and thought the gown was "embarassing", (the gown said "tired little tiger!"), but he came out physicallly and emotionally unscathed. I'm just proud that we were able to have that done! Thank you, Jesus!


Mandy said...

I am glad everything went smoothly. I know how hard it is to let your first born go under the knife!

The Garvie Family said...

I'm glad everything went okay. I cried like a baby when they wheeled Reece out a few years ago for the same surgery. I love his face in the picture...what a cute "tired little tiger".

Tara said...

Thank you Jesus! I am so glad everything went well.He did look so cute in his gown. Good pictures to show the girls when he is older! Love ya!

Ashli said...

No way thar is the same kid I used to chase around Norman. He has grown up...makes me feel old. I hope all is well in Florida tell Coach hello for me.